Products show
JFE Steel Drum is the only Japanese steel
drum manufacturer in China.

The motto of JFEC group is to be the No.1 steel drum producer in China.
The JFEC group provides the same quality steel drums and services as in Japan to Chinese market by automated facilities.

We participate in market competitions with high quality steel drums.
We meet our customers' needs with efficient services.
We support our customers by continuous innovations and improvements.
Supported by the advanced technology from JFE Group, we are able to provide our customers
     with full technical support.
We are able to produce high quality steel drums using sophisticated quality control procedures
    such as QA & QC systems.

  • ISO标准闭口钢桶
  • ISO标准内涂钢桶
  • ISO标准开口钢桶
  • ISO标准开口内涂钢桶
  • 直升钢桶
Copyright JFE Steel Drum (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Shanghai ICP 05017225